Heritage PTA Sponsors



On behalf of the Heritage Elementary PTA, we seek your support and partnership in our endeavor to enhance the educational experience of the students at Heritage Elementary. The money raised by the PTA goes directly to educational opportunities, such as: educational programming, family events, maintaining the Texas our Heritage outdoor classroom, teacher grants, and much more!

Why partner with the Heritage Hawks?

• To help build a sense of community
• Tax deductible
• Helping the students and teachers in your area
• Marketing opportunities (social media, yard signs, email mentions, and more!)

We look forward to working with you! If you are interested in sponsoring our school, please scan the QR code. Once you complete our interest form, we will connect with you!

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Corporate Incentives Committee (heritageptaCorpincentives@gmail.com).

Item DescriptionPriceQty

Sponsorship Information
 Platinum Hawk Sponsor more
 Credit Card Processing Fee for Platinum Sponsor more
 Gold Hawk Sponsor more
 Credit Card Processing Fee for Gold Sponsor more
 Silver Hawk Sponsor more
 Credit Card Processing Fee for Silver Sponsor more
 Bronze Hawk Sponsor more
 Credit Card Processing Fee for Bronze Sponsor more
 White Hawk Sponsor
For those who wish to donate less than $300 Bronze Level more
Do you plan on having a booth at Hawkfest on April 26th?

**For Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Sponsors and is completely optional** If yes, additional information will be sent separately

Please provide your company logo in png format if possible. If you would like to email your logo, please send it to heritageelementarypta.events@gmail.com. Logo's will be added to our marketing materials. We want to highlight YOU as a sponsor!