Activities and Events

Heritage PTA is involved in so many activities to enrich the lives of our students, teachers, staff and parents at Heritage Elementary.  Here are just a few of the programs and events that the PTA sponsors.



  • Color Run
  • Hawkfest 
  • Silent Auction

Programs run by the PTA

  • Spirit Nights
  • Book Fair
  • Red Ribbon Week
  • Reflections
  • Birthday Book Club
  • Author book reading/signing
  • Special programs (Dinosaur George, Earth Orbit, Critterman, etc.)
  • Box Tops/Amazon Smile
  • 5th Grade Memories


Programs supported by the PTA

  • Watch D.O.G.S.
  • Jog-A-Thon/Family Fitness Day


Ongoing Support

  • Hospitality (teacher/staff luncheons)
  • Library Volunteers
  • Outdoor Classroom


We need your help!  Sign up to volunteer on the Heritage PTA Volunteer Form and join us in supporting our wonderful school!

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