
Here are some of the many programs that are supported and/or run by Heritage PTA.

Arts in Education

Birthday Book Club


Book Fair

Event Fundraising

Family Engagement

Healthy Lifestyles

Family Fitness Day

Special Programs

Watch DOGS

5th Grade Memories

See below for more details.



Birthday Book Club       ARTS IN EDUCATION


The mission of this committee is to help promote and encourage students and their families to learn about the various forms of art. The Arts in Education Committee will organize and plan all activities related to Reflections, Book Fair, Birthday Book Club and various programs in support of our "specials" teachers. If you are interest in helping with any of these exciting programs, please sign up under the Arts in Education Committee on the Volunteer Form.


Birthday Book Club

Want to celebrate your child's birthday at school?  Then donate a book to the Heritage library in your child's name!  In addition to building up the library's collection, it offers your child a unique way to leave something at the school for which they will always be remembered.

Each child will choose a book from a collection of books pre-selected by the librarian, and a sticker with your child's name will be permanently placed in the book.  Your child will be recognized on the morning announcements with the librarian during their birthday month.  In addition, at the end of the school year, your child will receive a keepsake bookmark with a picture of them holding their book.  During the school year, these pictures will be on display on a bulletin board near the library. 



 Show Your Voice!... is the theme for the 2022-2023 school year PTA Reflection Contest.  The PTA Reflections program encourages students to express themselves and receive positive recognition for their artistic efforts. Heritage Elementary focuses on six categories: Dance Choreography, Photography, Literature, Film Production, Music Composition and Visual Arts.  Use the summer to encourage your children to participate. For more information, contact out Arts in Education Committee or visit


Book Fair

We will be hosting a fall and spring Book Fair on campus this year!

Reading is the most important skill you can teach a child.  Of all the skills children learn, it is the one you can influence the most.  Heritage PTA has partnered with Literati Books to transform our kids literary experience and provide them with a wonderful selection of fun, engaging, and affordable books to read! 



  Event fundraising


The mission of this committee is to help promote unique and exciting fundraising opportunities for the Heritage Elementary PTA. The Event Fundraising Committee will organize and plan all activities related to the Fall Fundraiser, Hawk Fest and Silent Auction.


This committee organizes a few fundraising events throughout the year. Each event is to help promote our overall mission for our children's success and grow a community we are proud to call home! One event in the fall and our annual HawkFest carnival and Silent Auction in the spring.  It takes many hands to make these events a success.  If you would be interested in being one of those hands, please sign up under the Event Fundraising Committee on the Volunteer Form. If you have any questions, please contact our Event Fundraising Committee chair, Lisa McCormick.


Family Engagement Committee

The mission of this committee is to help encourage families to engage in campus activities. The Family Engagement Committee will organize and plan all activities related to Back to School Bash, Tears and Cheers, End of Year Bash, Senior Breakfast and Heritage Social Events. This committee will also partner with Watch D.O.G.S. various activities throughout the year. If you are interest in helping with any of these exciting programs, please sign up under the Family Engagement Committee on the Volunteer Form.


Healthy Lifestyles Committee

The mission of this committee is to help promote and empower families to engage in healthy lifestyles. The Healthy Lifestyles Committee will organize and plan all activities related to Family Fitness Day, Healthy Lifestyles Month, Random Acts of Kindness Week, STAAR snacks and Running Club. If you are interest in helping grow these new initiatives for a happier, healthier community, please sign up under the Healthy Lifestyles Committee on the Volunteer Form.


Family Fitness Day

Grab your running shoes and get ready for a fun-filled day complete with obstacle courses, tether ball, face-painting, bounce houses, field day activities and a whole lot more!  Parents are welcome to jog-a-long with their children and be a part of raising money for the school.


Special Programs

The PTA brings in special programs to educate our children in a fun and engaging way.  The PTA is planning fantastic programs this year including: Visiting Authors, James Wand - Cybersense, Dennis Lee and Nana Puddin', Animal Adventures by the Dallas Zoo, Kids First Inclusivity and Awareness, Yuck Science and much more!


James Wand - Cybersense with "spy magic"


Harlem Wizards - WizFit


Dennis Lee - Nana Puddin'




Dallas Zoo Animal Adventures



Cody Fisher Magician + Family show with In-n-Out


Kids First Awareness Program - click here for more information

Kids First Dyslexia


Seussology 101



Dallas Opera - Elixir of Love



Yuck Science





If you would like to recommend a program or would like more information on any of our programs, please contact our Vice President of Programs, Courtney Houghton.




WatchDOGS         Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students)

WATCH D.O.G.S. is a national program in more than 6,450 schools across the country that invites background-checked fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or other “father figures” to volunteer at school for at least one full school day. The goals of the Watch D.O.G.S. program are to provide positive male role models for the students -- demonstrating by their presence that education is important, and to provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.


The program is overseen by a pair of “Top Dog” volunteers who partner with the school administration to coordinate scheduling and identify opportunities for Watch D.O.G.S. to provide assistance at the school. Volunteers perform a variety of tasks, including helping with arrivals/departures, helping teachers as needed, patrolling the hallways, making sure exterior doors are secured, playing with students during recess periods, and anything else needed by the office staff.


For more information, or to sign up as a Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer at Heritage, please contact our "Top Dogs": Jon Lentini and Cris Manning.  


Memories5th Grade Memories

Serve on the 5th grade memories awards committee - serve refreshments, help decorate, build swag bags, (4th grade parents requested). For more information or to volunteer, contact Michelle Reed.






Our Sponsors


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Want to be a Sponsor?