Volunteer Opportunities

Here are some of the many enjoyable activities and events you can volunteer for through Heritage PTA.  You can also signup for any active volunteer opportunities here.




The mission of this committee is to help promote and encourage students and their families to learn about the various forms of art. The Arts in Education Committee will organize and plan all activities related to Reflections, Book Fair, Birthday Book Club and various programs in support of our "specials" teachers. If you are interest in helping with any of these exciting programs, please sign up under the Arts in Education Committee on the Volunteer Form.



The mission of this committee is to help promote the importance of protecting the environment through hands-on experiences with organic gardening. The Campus Enrichment Committee will organize and plan all activities related to the outdoor classroom, partnerships with local service organizations, Recycling Club and campus improvement opportunities.No experience needed!  Whether you have 1 hour a year, 1 hour a week or anything in between, you can help! To help, sign up here.  For more information, contact our Campus Enrichment Committee chair, Vanessa Sindell.


Teacher AppreciationCelebrations & Recognition's

The mission of this committee is to promote recognition and celebration of the Heritage community. The Celebrations & Recognition Committee will organize and plan all activities related to teacher and staff birthdays, Teacher Appreciation Week, Principal's Day, Nurse's Day, Admin Day, etc. Additionally this committee will oversee the teacher grants program. To sign up, click here.  For more information, contact our Celebrations & Recognitions Committee chair, Stephanie Densk

  Event fundraising


The mission of this committee is to help promote unique and exciting fundraising opportunities for the Heritage Elementary PTA. The Event Fundraising Committee will organize and plan all activities related to the Fall Fundraiser, Hawk Fest and Silent Auction.


This committee organizes a few fundraising events throughout the year. Each event is to help promote our overall mission for our children's success and grow a community we are proud to call home! One event in the fall and our annual HawkFest carnival and Silent Auction in the spring.  It takes many hands to make these events a success.  If you would be interested in being one of those hands, please sign up under the Event Fundraising Committee on the Volunteer Form. If you have any questions, please contact our Event Fundraising Committee chair, Michelle Dirks.


Family Engagement Committee

The mission of this committee is to help encourage families to engage in campus activities. The Family Engagement Committee will organize and plan all activities related to Back to School Bash, Tears and Cheers, End of Year Bash, Senior Breakfast and Heritage Social Events. This committee will also partner with Watch D.O.G.S. various activities throughout the year. If you are interest in helping with any of these exciting programs, please sign up under the Family Engagement Committee on the Volunteer Form or contact our chair Jessica Sales.

Healthy Lifestyles Committee

The mission of this committee is to help promote and empower families to engage in healthy lifestyles. The Healthy Lifestyles Committee will organize and plan all activities related to Family Fitness Day, Healthy Lifestyles Month, Random Acts of Kindness Week, STAAR snacks and Running Club. If you are interest in helping grow these new initiatives for a happier, healthier community, please sign up under the Healthy Lifestyles Committee on the Volunteer Form. To help with Healthy Lifestyles contact our chair, Amanda Miller.  


The Heritage Hospitality committee provides an appreciation luncheon for the teachers and staff each month, which includes a fun theme at each luncheon and a coordinating menu to go with that month’s theme.  As a Hospitality committee volunteer, you will receive notification of our monthly menu and the items that are needed for that month’s luncheon.  If available to help out that month, you’ll have the opportunity to sign up for the item(s) that are needed for the monthly luncheon – PARTICIPATION EVERY MONTH IS NOT REQUIRED, although appreciated if you are able to do so!  To make it as easy as possible for our volunteers, we offer curbside drop-off the morning of the luncheon. 


The teachers and staff of Heritage Elementary give so much of themselves to our children, so please show your appreciation by volunteering and participating in the Heritage Hospitality committee!!  To help with Hospitality, sign up here or contact our Hospitality Committee chair, Dixie Pillow.  



The mission of this committee is to promote and encourage student engagement. The Student Services Committee will organize and plan all activities related to spirit wear sales, wrap pack sales and student scholarship needs. If you're interested in any of these exciting opportunities, please signup under the Student Services Committee on the Volunteer Form or contact our Student Services Committee chair, Ashley Benson.




Classroom    Volunteer committee

All of these amazing programs, events, and initiatives are only made possible because of all the incredible volunteers! The mission of this committee is to promote and encourage volunteerism within the Heritage community. The Volunteer Committee will organize and plan all volunteer needs for campus-wide events and programs. For questions regarding our volunteer opportunities, please contact our Volunteer Committee chair, Katie Lentini.


Room Representatives

Room Representatives work closely with the teacher and Grade Level Coordinator (GLC) to coordinate events and activities throughout the year.  Also, Room Reps communicate with parents regarding class parties, organize parents volunteers, and keep parents up to date on all school functions.


Thank you to all who submitted applications for room reps! 2 room reps per teacher were randomly selected and most are filled. If interested in helping for Discovery Academy or would like to be on a "if needed" list for the class, please contact Courtney Houghton.




Our Sponsors


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